This electric, single-tank option is ideal for homeowners who prefer a more traditional method of softening water. These systems require a bit more attention from you, but they get the job done.

Economical & Effective

Effective Problem-Water Solution

Single-Tank Electric Operation

Kinetico Powerline™ Series Water Softener

When you want an economical alternative to Kinetico’s non-electric water softeners, the Powerline series of water softeners is for you. These systems effectively prevent hard water spots, mineral deposits, scale buildup, iron stains and soap scum.

With Powerline water softeners, you can choose from metered regeneration or timer-based regeneration. These softeners help extend the life of your water-using appliances and plumbing, and you will see a reduction in the amount of soaps and cleaning products you need to use. You will also enjoy softer, smoother hair and skin.

Powerline Series systems are tough on hard water and iron while being easy on your budget. With a variety of models to choose from, they’re ideal for people with more predictable water usage.