Customer Testimonials

Learn what separates Kinetico from the competition from our satisfied customers.

"The water softener is our third Kinetico since 1973. The last one lasted 34 years and was repairable, just needed new media in the tanks. We however opted to replace the units with a generous trade-in adjustment. Excellent unit, never without soft water and easy on the salt. The install team was efficient and made the necessary control adjustments very quickly. Really a well-engineered piece of equipment. Got to love this unit! The Extractor was required for our well and we had a high concentration of iron and this unit solved the issue, removed it completely, and with no maintenance on my part. A good add to our well water system. The RO unit is very good, works well, and supplies a great amount of clean water of drinking quality. We have always had one of these, however, between the softener and the Extractor, the RO unit is not necessary as the quality of the water is clear and tasteless. Excellent products and highly recommend them."

George Stribick
New Albany, OH

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Columbus Kinetico Location

"In November 2020, I purchased a Kinetico water softener and drinking water station. Brent Garner was the representative who came out to test my water and explain all about how it works and the warranty. He was professional, friendly and on time. I got an appointment right away. I love how soft the water feels for showers and laundry. But the taste is the best feature with the drinking water station. It saves electricity because it doesn't run on electric. I highly recommend this product."

Margie E.
Canal Winchester, OH

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9765 Basil Western Road
Canal WinchesterOH 43110
Toll Free: 800.444.1387
Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM
(For Saturday hours, view calendar)

Midway Market - Salt & Supplies Only
8208 Marysville Road
Ostrander, OH 43061
For hours visit Midway Market's website.

Granville Milling Co.
11891 Johnstown-Utica Rd NW
Johnstown, OH 43031
For hours visit their website.

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